tugas argumentative


The movie is one of the entertainment media that much in interest by people in all parts of the world. Every State has the character of the film respectively. Among them are India with Bollywood and Americans with Hollywood. In Indonesia, the movie has improved a lot. Ranging from educational films, horror, comedy, romantic and others. However, lately the movie was a lot of the talk. Especially Hollywood movie reportedly will not be running again in Indonesian cinema screens.

According to the VIVAnews on saturday, 19 February 2011, 00:00, Hollywood movie producer would stop the circulation of films to Indonesia, starting Thursday, February 17, 2011. The decision was taken because it disagreed with the import duty levy set by the government at the beginning of the year.

In the case of cessation of circulation and Hollywood movie aired in Indonesia in the spotlight a lot of parties. Hollywood for movie lovers would not agree to this news because his favorite movie cannot be seen directly in Indonesia.
While movie lovers will be a lot of Indonesian cinema showing movies, especially Indonesia.

I disagree if the Hollywood movies is not running again in Indonesia, because Hollywood movies learned for our movie”, a presenter Adi Nugraha said.

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