Writing V assigment

It is submitted to fulfill writing assignment.

Created by:
Name: Lilik Yuliyanti
NIM: 2223091159
Class: V-E

English Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Banten

Effective Strategies for Teaching English Structure (Grammar)
For Senior High School

1.1. Background of study.

Grammar is one skill that must be possessed by any English language learners. Grammar has a very important role in the English language because it is the meaning of an utterance or written. “Grammar is a description of the structure of a language and the way in which linguistics units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language” (Richard and Schmidt, 2002). English and Indonesian have some differences in the rules of grammar, one of the 'tense' or a form of time. for example, for native speakers of English syllable -ed on the word 'worked', which is the past tense of the verb 'work' clearly define the meaning of the word.
While for Indonesia, said the work is done today, yesterday or last moment that has not changed shape. to time marker Indonesian require the use words such as yesterday, tomorrow, now, and so on.

During this, the author felt at the senior high school students are less aware of the importance of learning strategies in learning the grammar (grammar). They tend to rely on explanations and exercises given by teacher. Teachers are often only emphasizes the delivery of instructional material content but during the process of learning materials are not encouraging and directing student to develop various Strategies in learning grammar. Consequently, students do not immediately struck me that the actual grammar learning strategies that
they could choose and do. For it, according to the authors the first step that needs to be done is to find out if students have a particular strategy in learning grammar.
In other words, the authors concluded that by knowing the students' grammar learning strategies that have been done to develop a variety of teaching techniques / methods to teach more effectively to improve student mastery of grammar.

